Most people are pretty good at knowing what kind of plan and functionality they want in their new house. Few people are as good at coming up with elevations and stylistic variations. This is one of the areas in which House Plan Professional can really help you.
I can give you 3 or 4 different elevation studies in a very short time, as well as showing some roofing solutions for those tricky roof junctions. All this in a package price!
Hire an Architect online for $25/ hour, I will work with you to get your ideas well worked out and ready for bidding as well as answer any questions you might have.
We do all of our plans on the computer, and usually get your plans back to you within 4 weeks. Our prices are very reasonable, ranging from $ .90 ( 90 cents) per square foot to $1.50 per square foot for some additions.
Let us take your sketches, magazine articles and your shoe box of photos and turn it all into your dream house!
If you are doing an addition we need to see pictures of the house from all sides, as well as some interior pictures where the addition will be.
Home plans and house plans are something we are all familiar with. Sketch something on a piece of paper, go to some of the house plan websites and look at those pictures, mix and match and make your own dream plan. Then scan it all and send it to us, we will start with floor plans and elevations and end up with a full set of drawings you can take to get a building permit.
Here are the steps to take: